Jeuken from Leunen, Holland is still active as a wooden shoe
maker. He shares with us:
The craft of wooden shoe
making exists about 800 years now. In that time wooden
shoes were common footwear all over the country. When we
ask ourselves: Who was wearing them, then the answer is
the less fortunate in those days. And that were gardeners,
farmers, agricultural workers, foresters, laundry workers,
people working in the marshes, road constructors, street
cleaners, sailors, butchers, livestock dealers,
bricklayers, peat-cutters and masons.
In order to make wooden shoes, one needed wood from a
poplar or willow tree. There was an abundance of them in
various areas and that is why there were a lot of wooden
shoe makers to be found.
The ideal wood is between 30 to 35 years old and the tree
has a perimeter of about 72 to 80 inches. One can get
about 57 pairs of wooden shoes from 1 cubic yard (that is
a little over 200 pairs from 1 registerton).
The trees were cut with a whipsaw, also called "shortiron"
at the time. Then they were transported to the workshop of
the wooden shoe maker with logging wheels. He cut the tree
in logs of the size of a foot plus 2 inches. The extra
length was needed for the heel and the nose.
The logs were cleaved into blocks with cleaving knives in
4-5-6 pieces and were shaped into a rough model with a
skewed chopping axe. Then they were modeled further with a long
oblong knife on a workbench with the funny name "cutting
horse". After that, the shaped wooden shoes were jammed
into a boring bench by pairs to be hollowed out. The
drilling was performed by using a variety of drills or
scoops with different sizes. With the smallest and most
narrow one, you went all the way to the nose to create the
proper depth inside and with the other drills you removed
the rest of the wood. When all wood was removed, the
inside was trimmed and smoothened. That was performed with
a series of knives with special names: the heelhook,
upcutter, toe knife, cleaver and flat hook. When the
wooden shoes were ready they had to dry which took between
2 to 6 weeks. Finally they were sanded so they became
smooth on the outside and were ready to be sold.
For special occasions the
wooden shoes were often painted black and decorations were
cut out with a small chisel. Later on painting became a
habit and every wooden shoe maker created his own motives.
In the area of Noord-Limburg (south eastern part of
Holland) wooden shoes were made until the end of last
century in the towns of Venray, Swolgen, Horst, Sevenum, Heythuysen,
Panningen and Posterholt. In Posterholt they made wooden shoes with
machines until 2000. The original craft, making wooden
shoes by hand, is still performed by me from my house in
Leunen. As the fifth generation in the Jeuken family from
Venray, I keep the craft alive by demonstrations. Of
course as a hobby and because of archeological enthusiasm.
If you want to know more about my activities, feel free to
contact me via